IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Sunday, 2022-01-30

*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has left #bzflag (tank sank)00:49
*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has joined #bzflag01:00
*** JeffM[m] <JeffM[m]!~generalpu@2001:470:69fc:105::7ef> has quit IRC (K-Lined)04:01
*** bittin[m] <bittin[m]!~bittin-gu@2001:470:69fc:105::603> has quit IRC (K-Lined)04:01
*** JeffM[m] <JeffM[m]!~generalpu@2001:470:69fc:105::7ef> has joined #bzflag04:27
*** JeffM[m] <JeffM[m]!~generalpu@2001:470:69fc:105::7ef> has quit IRC (Quit: Client limit exceeded: 20000)04:53
*** kj4 <kj4!~kj4@> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)05:38
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)05:41
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)09:10
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag11:29
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)12:25
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!> has joined #bzflag13:36
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)13:42
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!> has joined #bzflag15:12
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)16:05
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: atupone pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: atupone d7005c: src/platform/SDL2Display.cxx: SDL2 bug on events (
*** blast007[m] <blast007[m]!~blast007m@2001:470:69fc:105::7ec> has joined #bzflag18:50
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag18:57
*** bittin[m]1 <bittin[m]1!~bittin-gu@2001:470:69fc:105::603> has joined #bzflag18:57
*** JeffM[m] <JeffM[m]!~generalpu@2001:470:69fc:105::7ef> has joined #bzflag18:57
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag19:14
*** blast007[m] <blast007[m]!~blast007m@2001:470:69fc:105::7ec> has quit IRC (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)19:16
*** bittin[m]1 <bittin[m]1!~bittin-gu@2001:470:69fc:105::603> has quit IRC (Quit: Client limit exceeded: 20000)19:17
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)19:42
*** kj4 <kj4!~kj4@> has joined #bzflag22:15
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!> has joined #bzflag23:26
*** L4m3r <L4m3r!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)23:31

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