IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Saturday, 2022-01-08

*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag02:44
*** OkinaMatara <OkinaMatara!~Yukari@user/yukari> has quit IRC (Quit: Quit.)04:54
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)06:27
*** Flash_ <Flash_!~Flash@user/flash> has joined #bzflag06:43
*** Flash <Flash!~Flash@user/flash> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)06:43
*** bittin[m] <bittin[m]!~bittin-gu@2001:470:69fc:105::603> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)07:42
*** bittin[m] <bittin[m]!~bittin-gu@2001:470:69fc:105::603> has joined #bzflag07:43
*** Erroneous <Erroneous!> has joined #bzflag07:55
*** DTRemenak <DTRemenak!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)07:58
*** Erroneous is now known as DTRemenak07:58
*** DTRemenak <DTRemenak!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)09:06
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)10:38
BZNotifybzflag: sanssecours synchronized pull request #299 "Add Support for Apple Silicon Macs" (
BZNotifybzflag: sanssecours commented on pull request #299 "Add Support for Apple Silicon Macs" ( > I discovered that the current per-architecture settings in the Xc...10:42
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag11:00
*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)16:52
*** ashvala <ashvala!~quassel@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)17:06
*** ashvala <ashvala!~quassel@> has joined #bzflag17:06
*** DTRemenak <DTRemenak!> has joined #bzflag17:17
*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@user/bulletcatcher> has joined #bzflag17:55
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has joined #bzflag19:47
*** Flash_ is now known as Flash23:08

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