IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Sunday, 2021-10-31

SpringTankOkay so i compiled it on a working linux system amd it works!02:47
SpringTankI can play completly custom sounds with this.02:47
SpringTankAnd it uses bzflag's cache.02:48
SpringTankCould make the server/plugin check for bzflag's version and only send sound to those that have been updated to a newer version.03:03
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*** Sgeo <Sgeo!~Sgeo@user/sgeo> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)08:40
*** blast007[m] <blast007[m]!~blast007m@2001:470:69fc:105::7ec> has quit IRC (Quit: You have been kicked for being idle)09:00
*** the_map <the_map!~the_map@user/the-map/x-5158391> has quit IRC (Quit: *.banana *.split)14:10
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SpringTanki can't remember, is there a way to change the color that your text shows up in on the list server?16:38
*** blast007[m] <blast007[m]!~blast007m@2001:470:69fc:105::7ec> has joined #bzflag16:38
BulletCatcherIIRC, list server colors are derived from the set of server settings so you can't change the color without changing the way the game server works.16:46
SpringTanklooking at source now. It's based on shot count16:57
SpringTankin ServerMenu.cxx16:57
SpringTankexplains why jump and other similar style maps are purple. 0 shots = purple16:59
SpringTankand once you are past 3 shots you transition from yellow to orange to red17:00
SpringTankso 20 shot servers are almost always red17:00
SpringTanki mean they are ALWAYS red17:00
SpringTankis there any particular reason for the colors being choosen the way that they are? IMO the server owner should have a choice in that.17:04
BulletCatcherSee Git commit a2b28960f.  Like so many things in BZFlag, the developer who added list colors simply made some choices that no one else ever revisited.17:13
blast007Do you want server descriptions like this?17:16
blast007we should probably just make them all white17:17
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Yukari@user/yukari> has joined #bzflag19:02
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SpringTankyes, actually19:36
SpringTankthat's figgin awsome19:36
SpringTankbut, not each letter being colored19:36
blast007I almost feel like that was actually a problem in the past..19:37
SpringTankit probably was...19:37
SpringTankhey blast, did you see my fix for using custom sounds from bzflag's cache?19:37
SpringTankcan we have a similar fix for the next release of 2.4?19:38
blast007I didn't compare what was changed, but I assume you just changed the function that looks for a sound file to include more directories19:38
SpringTankpretty much all i did19:38
spldartcolors! 8~]19:39
spldartI'm done19:39
SpringTankpeople are having a... blast... with my goomba stomp plugin and the sound it makes.19:39
SpringTankbut they have to manually put the sound file into their ./data directory19:40
blast007I'm personally against fixing it in 2.419:40
SpringTankhmm :/19:40
SpringTankwhen is 2.6 expected to be ready?19:41
blast007I was going to look at just adding some map object for sounds19:41
SpringTankI was looking at the same thing, doesn't seem too difficult to add19:41
blast007then it would download them at join along with the textures, managing them with the CacheManager19:41
SpringTankthe extra sounds adds a lot to the game IMO19:42
blast007though I'm not sure it 100% makes sense to be in the map file since that will not be what calls the sound..19:42
SpringTankwell... when used properly that is. lol19:42
SpringTankwhy not both then?19:43
ZehraActually, this begs a bit of a different question, what is the map format expected to do and support?19:43
SpringTanksound objects in the map file that can be looped, triggered by shooting or driving through, and ambiance sounds that only play for a player when they are in a zone19:43
SpringTankand ofc, the sounds triggered by plugins19:44
SpringTankbut, they all need to be downloaded to the cache when the map and textures are downloaded19:44
SpringTankthat way they are there when a plugin calls for them19:45
SpringTankthat part of the feature is kinda already there in 2.4, it's just broken19:45
ZehraIt's more of an untested feature, various clients would crash with custom sounds, IIRC...19:47
SpringTankI'm testing it right now.19:48
SpringTankDoesn't seem to be crashing people's clients on my server.19:49
SpringTanknot that I can tell...19:49
SpringTankbut people are staying it seems19:49
ZehraI guess the client crash issue is mostly fixed then. Or rare enough not to be a concern.19:51
ZehraAs far as I can tell, this is going off on a different line of thought, but related to some extent...19:52
SpringTankDon't really know if it's crashing clients from the server side.19:53
SpringTankIt's hard to tell if people don't straight up come back and say their client crashed.19:53
SpringTankand without logs, it's nearly impossible to figure out why it crashed.19:53
ZehraIt's easy somewhat to an extent, but the irrelevant data hiding it makes it tedious enough to work with. (Irrelevant as insufficient data easily hides false positives.)19:55
SpringTankwell, yeah19:56
Zehraa.k.a. join/part time, see if it occurs before kill, grab, drop...etc events, if it happens to version x long enough or if spawn is delayed by x seconds assume crash if no action by x seconds.19:56
ZehraBut for 2.6.x. the bigger issue is how custom sounds should be handled, if they become a feature...19:57
SpringTankor.... put a crash hanler in the client and report it to the server when it happens right before disconnect.19:57
SpringTankmost other games already have these features...19:57
ZehraUh, if the client crashes, I somewhat doubt you'd get a report...19:57
ZehraUnless it's an external application or something.19:57
SpringTankTF2 does it. "Disconnected: Client reports a problem." or somethig like that...19:58
SpringTankThe client almost always gives a reason for disconnect. And if it doesn't, the server logs it as a client timeout19:58
SpringTankor something.l19:58
SpringTankbzflag kinda does that when someone goes. NR19:59
SpringTankI haven't seen anyone go NR on my server yet.19:59
ZehraI might be wrong, but IIRC, there was some issues with when a client is dead and goes NR, as in you "can't" tell it went NR.20:00
ZehraYou would get high PL or lag though, but it was only under a few conditions, otherwise it just appeared idle.20:01
ZehraCould the possibility of custom sounds/textures for custom flags be considered in 2.6.x?20:05
ZehraIf so, could custom values of a shot/flag type be considered for them.20:06
Zehraa.k.a. Flag = Flamethrower, shot type = MG, texture = custom, sound = custom, flag var subset = 1/3 of MG shot range, 1/5 of reload time.20:07
ZehraLess of an actual request/suggestion... more of design consideration for the future.20:10
SpringTankthe ability to replace bzflag's default sounds with custom ones might be nice20:12
SpringTankmake bzflag 2.520:12
SpringTankmake that the sounds update20:12
SpringTankhey blast, you ever try VR?20:52
SpringTankcan we get bzflag in VR?20:52
ZehraVR might be a fun April fools joke, but otherwise impractical. :p20:53
Zehra"BZFlag has officially depreciated mouse, keyboard and other means of interface in favor of VR technology and interfaces...20:54
Zehra"The move is designed to modernize BZ and allow it to be more intuitive for users for quicker and faster play"...20:55
SpringTankall movement is now gesture based20:56
SpringTankyou must snap your fingers to fire a shot.20:57
SpringTankactually... that might be kinda fun...20:57
Zehra"blink your right eye to drop a flag", "blink your left to lock on GM"...etc20:58
ZehraCould be fun, but you'd need a really minimized version of BZ to make it work well.20:59
* Zehra thinks of 20-30 minutes on Apocalypse and/or Missile War 3...21:01
Zehra@SpringTank Or imagine voice activated controls in BZ? "Missile Lock" for locking on GM. :P21:02
blast007SpringTank: I have an Oculus Rift CV121:09
SpringTankthe original?? Didnt think anyone still had those. Can you use it for any modern steam games?21:10
blast007sure, it works fine21:11
blast007played Half Life Alyx with it, for instance21:11
blast007need to finish getting my room set up for better room scale VR21:11
blast007I have four sensors and wall mounts for them21:12
blast007adding VR to BZFlag has the potential for an unfair advantage21:16
SpringTankHalflife Alyx is a really good example of sound design.21:16
blast007yeah, it's a pretty good game overall21:17
blast007I think there's some level of control I can't get with my Oculus touch controllers, but it hasn't affected my ability to play it21:17
SpringTankI was joking about vr being added to bzflag. You would have to make it so its like you are in a tank driving it with a tiny viewport out the front.21:18
SpringTankI loved halflife21:18
SpringTankThat ending was amazingly welldone for a game21:18
blast007haven't finished it myself21:18
blast007I was at a point where I was trying to see if I could cheese the level by getting on top of a filing cabinet21:19
SpringTank*climbs on real filing cabinet*21:20
blast007part of it is resetting the view while on the ground so you can get higher ;)21:20
blast007I've crawled through holes in walls in a couple instances, though one of them I think they expected you to21:21
blast007oh, I also have a box that I carry around with me the whole game where I store extra grenades and health items21:22
blast007there was also some part where you drop down an elevator shaft and I managed to get back up it by stacking boxes21:23
blast007I *think*21:23
SpringTankI... I think that is how everyone plays that game.21:25
blast007SUPERHOT VR is also really good, though short21:25
SpringTankYou play accounting simulator, or what ever its called? Made by the same people who made Rick and Morty.21:26
SpringTankits' weird21:42
SpringTankbut... entertaining21:42
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SpringTankhow far along is 2.6?23:50
ZehraWhat is the current vision for 2.6, as there has been concerns of feature creep and a repeat of 3.x/2.99?23:57

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