SpringTank | bzflag list server down? | 00:07 |
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SpringTank | hey blast. bzflag list server down? | 00:08 |
SpringTank | not authenticating usernames when direct connection to servers either | 00:09 |
blast007 | ah, it may be servers that need to update their root CA's | 00:14 |
blast007 | I see a lot less servers on the list right now | 00:14 |
blast007 | https://letsencrypt.org/docs/dst-root-ca-x3-expiration-september-2021/ | 00:15 |
blast007 | including mine, it seems | 00:15 |
SpringTank | "Can't talk with list servers" | 00:17 |
SpringTank | ^client error | 00:17 |
blast007 | is that your client saying that when you try to get the server list? | 00:20 |
blast007 | if so, what operating system and OS version are you running? | 00:20 |
blast007 | I just updated the packages on my Debian 9 server hosting bzfs (which included openssl and curl updates) and now my servers are back on the list | 00:21 |
blast007 | what operating system are you running? | 00:21 |
SpringTank | win7 | 00:22 |
SpringTank | for my client | 00:22 |
blast007 | let me try on Windows | 00:22 |
blast007 | this is the latest 2.4.22 client? | 00:23 |
SpringTank | yes | 00:23 |
blast007 | worked on my Windows 7 | 00:25 |
SpringTank | hmmm, im using at&t fiber | 00:26 |
blast007 | can you access this site in Internet Explorer? https://my.bzflag.org/db/?action=LIST | 00:26 |
SpringTank | everything else seems to be working. let me try on my debian system | 00:26 |
blast007 | (and yes, Internet Explorer specifically) :) | 00:26 |
SpringTank | nope | 00:27 |
blast007 | what kind of error do you get? | 00:27 |
SpringTank | but it works on firefox | 00:27 |
SpringTank | "There is a problem with this website's security certificate." | 00:27 |
blast007 | yeah, firefox uses their own SSL/TLS system | 00:27 |
SpringTank | but I can skip past that and it works fine | 00:27 |
blast007 | our curl is compiled to use schannel/winssl, which is also what IE uses | 00:27 |
blast007 | is your Windows 7 fully updated? | 00:28 |
SpringTank | it is not | 00:28 |
SpringTank | i usually install updates manually | 00:28 |
blast007 | you're probably missing Trusted Root updates | 00:28 |
SpringTank | guess ill have to find that update | 00:28 |
blast007 | https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/support-for-urgent-trusted-root-updates-for-windows-root-certificate-program-in-windows-a4ac4d6c-7c62-3b6e-dfd2-377982bf3ea5 | 00:29 |
blast007 | that may be it? you'd need to check that page over more | 00:29 |
SpringTank | looks to be KB3004394 | 00:29 |
blast007 | or check in Windows Update for anything about root certificates | 00:29 |
SpringTank | installing KB3004394 has fixed the issue | 00:32 |
blast007 | cool | 00:32 |
SpringTank | thanks | 00:32 |
blast007 | I'll post on the forums about the issue for servers | 00:33 |
blast007 | I was dealing with this certificate problem at work today. Our site uses a Let's Encrypt certificate, and a hosted service we use is failing to communicate with our site because they can no longer validate the certificate trust chain | 00:36 |
SpringTank | sounds fun | 00:56 |
SpringTank | lol | 00:56 |
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BZNotify | master @ bzflag.org: allejo pushed 1 commit (https://git.io/JgliA): | 04:08 |
BZNotify | master @ bzflag.org: allejo 9351b3: Update MOTD to include know about SSL issues (https://git.io/Jglix) | 04:08 |
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alfa1 | is there any problem about TLS/others on the game? I have problems as well on known web sites too. | 22:11 |
allejo | https://forums.bzflag.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20524 | 22:12 |
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blast007 | alfa1: what operating system and OS version are you running? | 22:13 |
*** allejo changes topic to "BZFlag Support and Development || Latest version: 2.4.22 || https://www.bzflag.org || https://www.bzflag.org/help/ || https://www.openhub.net/p/bzflag || https://logs.bzexcess.com || Having trouble connecting to the server list? Follow this thread https://forums.bzflag.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20524" | 22:14 | |
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alfa1 | it is an old operating system; I don't want to give lot of info, sorry | 22:16 |
alfa1 | I am reading that thread tho | 22:17 |
alfa1 | I still can connect to servers by strayer info; tho no auth; which is not big problem except for my own server | 22:18 |
blast007 | if you're using OpenSSL 1.0.2 (check with 'openssl version' in a terminal), the first workaround may help you | 22:19 |
blast007 | or are you using Windows? | 22:20 |
alfa1 | no, linux | 22:20 |
alfa1 | you mean "installing updates, which included some for curl and openssl" (second workaround)? | 22:20 |
blast007 | oh, sorry, I had forgot to paste the link with that message above | 22:20 |
blast007 | https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2021/09/13/LetsEncryptRootCertExpire/ | 22:20 |
blast007 | the first workaround here | 22:21 |
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alfa1 | my openssl version is older than that. Is there any way to avoid using TLS/others to run my server (or to use auth)? Someting like an optional way? | 22:34 |
alfa1 | (something like the previous method) | 22:34 |
alfa1 | I will see if I can update it tho. | 22:35 |
catay | if you get rid of the X3 root cert and install the ISRG root one, it should also work with older openssl versions | 22:40 |
alfa1 | ok, I will see if I can try that, thank you | 22:42 |
catay | check /etc/ca-certificates.conf , you can exclude there the X3 one, download the new one and also add it in there | 22:43 |
catay | and run update-ca-certificates | 22:44 |
blast007 | if it's a Debian-based distro, you could try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates' and uncheck the old cert | 22:44 |
catay | you can download the ISRG one here: https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem | 22:45 |
blast007 | (on Debian, I have a local CA certificate I used for internal dev, which I've placed in /usr/share/ca-certificates/ as a .crt file, and then added to the trust using the dpkg-reconfigure above) | 22:46 |
alfa1 | thanks all; with that info I have material to work with for now :) | 22:50 |
alfa1 | "man update-ca-certificates" is helpìng me too | 22:51 |
alfa1 | I should rename the file as "ISRG_Root_X1.pem" right? | 23:02 |
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blast007 | check 'ls -l /etc/ssl/cert/' to see if the files there are actually symbolic links elsewhere | 23:05 |
blast007 | ls -l /etc/ssl/certs/ | 23:05 |
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alfa1 | are IRC connections having trouble too? | 23:09 |
blast007 | Freenode also uses Let's Encrypt for their SSL ports. | 23:10 |
alfa1 | it seems those links are automatically added with "update-ca-certificates" command, blast007 | 23:11 |
blast007 | okay, so Debian's dpkg-reconfigure probably calls that same thing | 23:12 |
blast007 | so just put the new cert in the same area as where those symlinks point to, and with the same file extension as the target files | 23:12 |
blast007 | so, on Debian, the link names end in .pem, but the actual files ends in .crt | 23:12 |
blast007 | adjust as needed for your system | 23:13 |
alfa1 | yes | 23:15 |
alfa1 | guiding me mainly by the man page to avoid any risk :) | 23:15 |
alfa1 | but that seems the way | 23:15 |
blast007 | might want to name the file in a way that's clear you added it | 23:16 |
blast007 | that way if you upgrade later, there's little chance of a filename conflict | 23:16 |
alfa1 | I will have that in mind | 23:21 |
alfa1 | bzflag not working, should I reset machine? | 23:22 |
alfa1 | firefox also not; resetting... | 23:23 |
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blast007 | rebooting the server list real quick | 23:34 |
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