IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2021-08-25

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*** ChanServ sets mode: +o allejo07:22
*** allejo sets mode: +b *!*@
allejowhat is the difference between _flagHeight and _flagAltitude07:25
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*** ChanServ sets mode: +o allejo08:13
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*** allejo sets mode: +b *!*@$##fix_your_connection08:20
allejookay... i hope that's how it works. otherwise, i give up08:20 allejo created branch docs/bzdb (
BZNotifydocs/bzdb @ allejo 10dd5d: Start documenting BZDB variables up to _gravity (
allejoI document things on the main repo, and then use it on my external projects... like my plugin-starter using event docs. and soon, my webbzedit using bzdb docs08:24
allejoand it's all in a standard format (YAML) and not some weird non-standard-ish wiki markup08:26
allejo...we have too many bzdb variables :')08:26
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*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@2601:2c5:c680:87a0:3210:b3ff:fef0:93af> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)09:05
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*** vampire <vampire!~vampire@2601:240:8400:8e8:fc17:3cb0:5282:ba9e> has joined #bzflag12:07
vampirewhat happened to all the users in bzflag?12:15
moriahTheir life blood was sucked out?12:18
vampiremoriah Sounds about like it.. lol12:18
vampirebzflag needs to be re designed. Better graphics and more game play options for zones to code in.12:20
vampireFork it..12:20
moriahNow there’s a novel idea!12:23
moriahWhat nick are you in bz?12:25
vampireI think it would be a good direction to go with bzflag12:25
vampiremoriah i am not registered yet.   Never have been.. I am a floater nick..12:26
moriahAhhhh, one of those…12:26
vampireyaaa, one of those...  lol12:26
vampirehavent played the game in about 3 years..12:27
vampireI am one of those -900 players.. lol12:27
vampiremoriah how long have you been playing bzflag?12:29
moriahSince ‘0412:29
vampiremoriah cool....   I am not much of a gamer.. More of a program concept engineer. 12:30
moriah‘Program concept engineer’ ? You come up with ideas that others have to put into working order???12:35
* moriah is not technical 12:35
vampiremoriah I know enough to be dangerous in coding.  But good enough to run a project design to a final conclusion.12:36
blast007vampire: there has been work done by tupone to update the graphics code from OpenGL 1.x to 2.012:36
vampireIt needs more than just a update to the next best thing.. It needs a rework.12:37
blast007well once we're on 2.0, we can actually use shaders, and then we can eventually move to a more modern GL version, or use something like bgfx to get multi-API support12:38
vampireIt needs to have zone defined colors and textures.. 12:39
blast007meaning what?12:39
vampireThink of it having billions + of colors to choose from..12:40
blast007is there more to this idea?12:42
vampirea ton.. 12:44
blast007k, still no idea what it is though12:44
vampireThink of bzflag on steroids.  Like zone defined tanks.12:45
blast007what is a "zone"?12:45
vampirewhat ever they call the servers.. I think it is a zone.12:45
vampireblast007 basically it would be like a graphics engine of pre defined game elements.12:47
blast007servers are servers12:47
vampireok replace zone with server.. lol12:48
blast007a zone in BZFlag is a region of a map file12:48
blast007region defined in a map file*12:48
vampireblast007 I need to play on the bzflag server side to see what that is like.12:48
blast007so you're saying better random map generation?12:49
vampirebetter map everything and game play.12:49
blast007"better map everything"12:50
vampireblast007 lets say like giving bzflag a face lift and a new game play.12:50
blast007that's not a new idea though12:50
vampireSomething like this would require a fork. Or it will upset everyone.12:51
vampireblast007 I know..12:51
blast007here's a randomly generated map:
blast007the code for that was created back in 2007/200812:54
blast007so yeah, it's certainly possible to generate better random worlds12:54
vampireI would have it as an option to create one.12:55
vampireblast007 we just need really good coders and a clear vision that is brain stormed as a group. 12:56
vampire(Poof!) Vision gone... lol... 13:00
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*** vampire <vampire!~vampire@2601:240:8400:8e8:fc17:3cb0:5282:ba9e> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed)13:59
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!> has joined #bzflag15:05
AgathaMy impression is that it's fairly apparent *what* needs to be done, at least as a general direction, but that there's no one who simultaneously has the motivation, time, and skill to make it actually happen. Right now, it's all that can be done to maintain bzflag, making minor improvements over time.15:47
moriaheasy to say what needs to be done...and poof he's gone16:26
the_mapmaybe he'll talk about the bugs in the game too, and poof they'll be gone too16:27
allejooh wait. damn. he should be talking about my responsibilities, and poof they'll be gone too16:28
the_mapidk, you seem not to notice them already16:29
the_mapzing :p16:29
* allejo sets mode +q on the_map!*@*16:29
*** allejo sets mode: -o allejo16:30
AgathaEhhh writing a mild effortpost response to someone offline. This is what I get for hiding the join/quit/part spam, laaa17:32
SpringTankyou guys are talking on IRC?18:39
SpringTankwhat is this, the 90's?18:39
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AgathaWould . . . would pretending it's the 90s make them come back? :S18:47
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allejoyou're right, SpringTank. we should move to something more modern like AIM18:50
blast007doesn't phpBB3 still list profile contact fields for AIM and ICQ, and maybe Yahoo IM?18:51
blast007mmmm, I guess not AIM.  Just ICQ and Yahoo Messenger.18:53
SpringTanklets play bzflag through 1200bps packet radio!18:57
blast007a new turn-based game mode18:59
allejocoming 2022: Battle Ship Flag19:00
allejo"You sank my rogue!"19:00
SpringTankHmmm. New game mode ideas that dont look too hard to implement! Hmmmmm19:38
allejoAll Hands On Deck aka AHOD19:39
AgathaPlayer (in Morse):  I   s h o o t   a t   t h e e   w i t h   a   s u p e r   b u l l e t   s h o t [STOP]20:08
AgathaCheater (replying):  N a y ,   y o u   m i s s e d   a n d   i t   i s   b e c a u s e   o f   y o u r   l a g   a l s o   y o u r   m o t h e r   s m e l l s   b a d [STOP]20:08
AgathaColonel (kibitzing):  A c h   t h e s e   u n r e g i s t e r e d   n i c k s   a n d   t h e i r   s h e n a n i g a n s ! [STOP]20:08
*** Erroneous <Erroneous!> has joined #bzflag21:16
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