IRC logs of Libera.Chat #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2021-06-15

*** BZNotify <BZNotify!BZNotify@user/bznotify> has joined #bzflag00:50
*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@2601:2c5:c680:87a0:3210:b3ff:fef0:93af> has joined #bzflag01:22
blast007could someone with ops on the freenode #bzflag run /mode -q $~a01:27
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blast007someone still in the channel, that is, since if you connect now you'll probably end up on their new servers01:28
spldartLooked over an hour ago to what looked like a massive netsplit with only macsforme appearing in my idling window of freenode - #bzflag. My usernames were dead. I need to read my memo's :(01:33
blast007Freenode is migrating to a new IRCd and services, and didn't migrate any of the channel or nickname registrations01:35
blast007so yeah.. no point in even connecting to Freenode anymore01:36
spldartYeah. Just read the handy tutorial on on #bzflag then googled a libera how to and set up here  breeze easy :)01:36
macsformeblast007: done, I think... somehow it looked like I was the only one there02:01
blast007yeah, that would be the other split chunk of the old network02:02
blast007the old network split several hours ago02:02
macsformeshould I do anything else?02:03
blast007maybe just change the topic to:  Freenode is dead. We have moved to Libera.Chat.
blast007in case anyone somehow ends up there02:04
macsformedone... standing by to be k-lined02:05
the_map"oh no"02:06
blast007I also dropped my nick, but you can't do that from that chunk of the network.  Seems that (IP and 2a02:6ea0:c312::6667) is still up with the services.02:09
allejowait. are they just naming all of their IRC servers after naruto terminology?02:11
the_mapI thought that first token was "rasegan"02:12
blast007maybe the new servers are going to be the next hokage02:13
blast007believe it02:13
allejowell that's the dude's nickname. didn't think it would move to IRC server naming convention lol02:13
allejolol blast02:13
macsformeallejo: is that like anime?02:13
blast007uh oh, we talked about anime in macsforme's presense02:13
* allejo hides02:13
the_mapyour punishment, he gets one punch02:14
macsformewhat's the op command again? ;-)02:14
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o macsforme02:14
macsformeah ha, powers02:14
blast007macsforme why did your hair turn golden!02:15
allejooh no... he's going to start screaming for 3 episodes!02:17
blast007and this.. is to go.. even further.. beyond...  aaaaAAAAAAA02:18
allejoaww no... did we lose our karma??02:19
blast007from tim's bot?02:20
blast007dunno if he'll join it here02:20
blast007he didn't respond to my email about us moving to Libera.02:20
allejoof course he didn't02:20
blast007I sent that on the 2nd02:21
blast007be funny if he joins Freenode now and is like "wait, whever is everyone"02:21
the_map"why do I need to register my nick?"02:22
blast007then again, he hasn't been on IRC in over a year02:23
the_mapman, imagine if you stopped watching news at the end of 2019 and tuned in a year later02:24
the_mapthird entry up, in particular02:25
JeffM[m]so they just trashed the entire freenode network, and are making a new one, with hookers and blackjack?02:47
blast007except without the hookers and blackjack02:48
JeffM[m]sadness and dispair?02:48
the_mapdidn't you hear them? it's a bright future for Freenode02:48
spldartgonads and strife02:48
blast007a bright new future - they're going to sell Freenode branded flashlights!02:48
JeffM[m]if that other guy can sell flamethrowers...02:49
blast007a flamethrower than isn't even a decent flamethrower02:49
JeffM[m]so maybe they will be freenode laser pointers02:50
blast007and they'll be specially engineered to always aim into your eyes02:51
JeffM[m]so you can "see the light"02:51
blast007but don't worry everyone, this is for FOSS02:51
allejofreenode hats!02:52
JeffM[m]For Owning Some Servers02:52
blast007lol JeffM[m] 02:52
the_mapwait what flamethrowers are we talking about?02:53
the_map"Fire extinguisher sold separately"02:55
JeffM[m]so glad I never went forward with the IRC as game chat backend :)02:56
allejo|  .02:56
the_map .   |02:57
the_map     | °02:57
Flashas a protocol, IRC isn't bad. Freenode as an implementation imploded03:03
JeffM[m]it's very wordy03:03
blast007if we had done IRC for our chat, I assume we would have run out own instances03:04
JeffM[m]or at least your own domain name to redirect03:05
blast007if we had used another network, there would have been issues with conflicts03:05
Flashoh sure, you can easily find flaws in any protocol ... but since it has wide adoption and libraries to support it, it's usable03:05
JeffM[m]oh I know all about IRC libraries03:05
blast007I'm still interested in some global chat system, but that's waaay down the priority list, and I'd probably look at something like XMPP or Matrix, not IRC.03:07
sean[m]If you consider how matrix bridges to IRC, it creates separate IRC users for each bridged user.03:07
sean[m]Each with their own connection03:07
JeffM[m]I was looking at a mud chat/friends network once too03:10
JeffM[m]can't remember the name of it now03:10
sean[m]Undoubtedly requires some special coordination or exemptions to avoid triggering DoS and other abuse signals, but demonstrably feasible to have thousands of active connections03:11
sean[m]Matrix definitely seems to have their act together for being a better chat backend, though resource hungry I hear.03:13
blast007might be overkill for in-game global chat too03:13
spoopydango[m]just run a bzadmin client for everyone03:14
JeffM[m]you make a tank game, overkill should be implied03:14
the_mapI agree with JeffM[m]03:15
blast007the only C++ Matrix SDK listed on is Qt5 based03:18
the_mapguess we're rewriting bzflag03:19
* JeffM[m] would have several suggestions ;)03:20
the_mapsend a notice to half the users, tell them we're starting over, they'll have to re-register03:20
JeffM[m]so 11 people?03:22
the_mapyes. but I'm not saying in what base ;)03:23
JeffM[m]make the tank dance that'll bring em in. Dances are the new hats03:23
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Flashyou are thinking about this wrong ... it's an opportunity to write a better Matrix SDK05:41
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jfindlaymatrix but with tanks16:20
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*** blast007[m] <blast007[m]!~blast007m@2001:470:69fc:105::7ec> has quit IRC (Quit: Client limit exceeded: 10000)17:53
blast007guess I was lucky number 10000!19:00
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Optic_Delusionthey are both OVER NINE THOUSAND!19:55
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