Flash | is there a way to inhibit DMs? | 00:57 |
Flash | that helps | 00:58 |
blast007 | did you see the global notice? | 00:58 |
Flash | it's like glguy_ was listening to me (and 3000 other users) | 00:59 |
blast007 | lol | 00:59 |
macsforme | blast007: probably set it to only build the current architecture... I wonder if they changed the default setting for that recently | 01:08 |
macsforme | that should allow it to still be built on an actual ARM machine, right? | 01:11 |
blast007 | no idea | 01:11 |
blast007 | depends if our deps all build successfully | 01:11 |
macsforme | that will be a fun adaptation to our deps build script | 01:12 |
blast007 | I don't know how we'll test that :) | 01:12 |
blast007 | I certainly won't be getting an ARM Mac | 01:13 |
macsforme | we need an endowment fund or corporate sponsor to buy us the stuff we need | 01:14 |
blast007 | I just don't *want* one :) | 01:14 |
blast007 | soldered on storage rubs me the wrong way | 01:15 |
blast007 | not a fan of the T2 chip either | 01:15 |
macsforme | agreed on both counts | 01:15 |
macsforme | I don't see why building ARM dependencies wouldn't work, though... I already had some wonky script to download and build ARM dependencies when I was building iOS clients on my embedded branch | 01:24 |
blast007 | yeah, it would *probably* work | 01:27 |
blast007 | the harder part will be building it for both x86_64 and arm64 someday | 01:27 |
blast007 | I had started an attempt at building our deps that way | 01:27 |
blast007 | I might have got SDL 2 to build a fat lib | 01:28 |
blast007 | I was modifying this script: https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/blob/main/build-scripts/g%2B%2B-fat.sh | 01:29 |
macsforme | on master with premake5, I already have it set up to look in the architecture-specific directory in ./dependencies/, so as soon as we have the actual dependencies built, I'm hoping it will work out of the box | 01:35 |
macsforme | I don't think that would actually create a BZ build with both architectures simultaneously, though... will have to look into that | 01:36 |
blast007 | yeah, we probably need to do something similar to the end of that SDL script that uses the lipo command | 01:48 |
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Flash | CMake | 04:07 |
* Flash ducks | 04:07 | |
The_Noah | premake5 is awesome! | 04:08 |
macsforme | it looks like a lot of applications are being released with separate versions for the two architectures... I wonder why they're not being released as universal | 05:00 |
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