macsforme | blast007: sounds good on all counts... I didn't realize you already had a workaround for #268, which is great... I can help test if needed, or whatever would be helpful | 00:24 |
macsforme | also, soft-requiring SDL 2 sounds good... I would personally go further and try to get us pulled from all the Linux package managers in favor of snap, flatpak, etc., but we could also do that with 2.6 so it's something of a fresh start | 00:27 |
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blast007 | we lose visibility to flatpak (and possibly snap) | 00:50 |
blast007 | Debian, for instance, doesn't default to having flatpak installed, nor having the Gnome Software plugin for flatpak installed | 00:51 |
blast007 | I did some more testing with the Wayland issue and it seems that what fixed it wasn't a new SDL version, so it was something with either Gnome, Wayland, or XWayland that fixed that issue | 00:52 |
blast007 | (I tried using SDL 2.0.14 on Debian 10 and had the same slight offset issue) | 00:52 |
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