IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2020-12-15

Agatha(Sorry my IRC endpoint crashed; hopefully I didn't miss anything.)01:14
AgathaBy the by, the catalogue I mentioned earlier is completed. I wrote it up here:
ZehraLooks good and I think the idea is mostly well thought of.01:18
ZehraIf you can, you may wish to use some drivethrough/shootthrough objects as indicators from where to shoot from, as a bit of a guide.01:19
ZehraThis could be included within a world via a certain option/setting and provided as a type of "tutorial map".01:20
ZehraThinking of it on second thought, I now am reminded of one of Jefenry's maps which did make use of solo bots IIRC to make a type of shooting range.01:21
ZehraSame could be done here as a bit of a practice map, as well as use death objects to improve handling of solo bots.01:23
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FusionDudeany mac gurus around?05:58
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blast007No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.06:00
Flashsure, transplant my kidney06:00
FlashI got a new iMac; it came with Catalina, and against my better judgement I updated to Big Sur06:01
FlashI have this game I've been playing for years, and on Big Sur, the window is just blank06:01
FlashI have source, but I don't know diddly about graphics06:02
blast007any output if you run it from the terminal?06:20
Agatha"tutorial map" <- @Zehra hmmm, it's an interesting concept, though I don't have time to make such a map (I really already didn't have time to make this chart as it is . . .). Certainly, someone should be able to make it now that I've made all the data, though!06:21
Flashthat's the only way I run it06:22
Flashunfortunately, the preferences are set to full screen06:22
Flashbut it does quit cleanly with a couple of escapes06:22
blast007are you compiling it yourself?06:24
Flashmore or less. It has a Makefile06:24
blast007k, was just wondering if maybe they had an old version of SDL or similar library in their bin06:26
Flashthe old SDL is a possibility ... the bad thing about Apple's migration tool is it copies EVERYTHING so it's possible I have some crap I shouldn't06:27
Flashmakefile includes this:06:29
Flashno not that06:29
FlashCXXFLAGS=-pipe -isysroot $(XCODE_HOME) -Wall $(OPTIMIZE) $(DEBUG) -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers/ -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL_ttf.framework/Headers/ -I/Library/Frameworks/SDL_mixer.framework/Headers/ -DPREFIX=L\"$(PREFIX)\" $(PROFILER)06:29
blast007if you have an external drive, you could install a clean copy of Big Sur on that and see if the problem still happens06:29
FlashI'm hardware poor06:30
Flashyou are helping ... this is a clue06:30
blast007mmm, so I'm assuming that's SDL1 then..06:30
blast007haven't tried SDL 1 on Big Sur yet06:31
blast007I don't think targeting an old SDK is necessarily a problem.  BZFlag targets an older SDK so that it can still, in theory, run on older versions of macOS06:32
blast007I don't know if we actually *try* running it on anything that old though :)06:33
Flashthis is a pretty old game. I think I first played it on MacOS 9; I think I found source and started compiling in 1006:33
Flashcan I safely just delete stuff in /Library/Frameworks? And reinstall?06:38
blast007my Big Sur only has some iTunesLibrary.framework symlink in /Library/Frameworks, so anything other than that should be safe to at least move somewhere else06:43
Flashyeah, I recognize some of this old stuff   ... R.framework, Python.framework06:44
Flashanything from 2015 and earlier I should probably get rid of06:47
Flashgood news (for me): there's a homebrew recipe for it.07:42
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