IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Thursday, 2020-10-29

JeffM[m]so that could be done by the software and changing the viewport in the window, not the display adapter and OS.00:03
JeffM[m]though it sounds like you just want/need a wider FOV than is currently allowed in the GUI00:05
JeffM[m]perhaps the FOV limits should be increased since the world has gone ultrawide00:05
BulletCatcherWide Angle flags for everyone!00:08
BulletCatcherA fixed aspect ratio out-the-window view within the game, regardless of the window dimensions, would make it more fair for everyone.00:11
JeffM[m]Yes, the wide angle flag was not really designed with the proliferation of wide screen monitors00:12
JeffM[m]some people who are vissualy imparaed also would need to larger FOV00:12
JeffM[m]making it a reward in game is counter those needs.00:12
JeffM[m]If you want true fairness in bzflag, force everyone to play on the same hardware00:13
* JeffM[m] uploaded an image: bzfi0003.png (4929KiB) < >00:24
JeffM[m]They closed the local office at my previous job, they had some leftover monitors :)00:24
JeffM[m]it's awesome for space sims like Elite Dangerous00:26
macsformeyou still wouldn't allow fullscreen radar in BZ even on that, would you :-P00:43
JeffM[m]You know my thoughts on the god view you call radar ;)00:58
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*** FieldSobers <FieldSobers!~User49@unaffiliated/user49> has joined #bzflag04:42
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