IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Sunday, 2020-07-26

*** Zehra <Zehra!~Keiki_Han@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Quit)02:24
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Keiki_Han@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag19:04
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quantumdot /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER quantumdot rgzgjxsolssn19:41
quantumdotseems I got rusty on IRC commands ...19:42
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ZehraYep, happens to all.19:56
blast007quantumdot: I always try to type commands like that in server tab of the IRC client20:05
quantumdotI recently had a problem with my client, that's why I am here20:39
quantumdotmy client, suddenly, refused to run. It first happened a couple of days ago and I didn't manage to know what it is20:40
quantumdotI have been using the default install from my distro, linux mint, for years with no problem. I think it was 2.14 but the other day started giving an error and did not start20:42
quantumdotthe question is that I took the oportunity to update to the last client version, via flatpak20:42
quantumdotand now i wanted to copy my config file into the new install, every time i do that the new current client also does not want to start20:43
quantumdotso I think there is something in my config file, which I have been using for years, that is breaking the client at start up20:44
quantumdotis that possible?20:44
blast007yup, that's possible20:44
blast007would you be able to send me a copy of your config file in a private message on the forums, minus the password?20:45
quantumdotof course20:45
quantumdotI'll do so20:45
quantumdotthank you for offering help20:45
quantumdotin case is of any help,  this is the error message I get when running bzflag
quantumdotand if I copy my old config file into the new flatpak install the client fails too21:00
blast007what if you edit the 'set multisample 32' line to say 'set multisample 4'   (or 8)?21:16
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quantumdotblast007: if I edit multisample 32 to 8 the old client, 2.4.12, runs again22:59
quantumdotblast007: thank you, can you tell me what did I changed exactly? and why it stopped working what had been working before?23:01
blast007that was the Anti-Aliasing setting23:04
blast007for whatever reason, it might have gone up to 32x in the past23:05
quantumdotI did not edited the file for sure, and in game the menu seems to have a 16x max as I have just checked23:11
quantumdotand even so, I have not changed in-game either, I never change settings in-game23:12
quantumdotbut many thanks23:13
quantumdotproblem solved, now I got both clients working23:13
blast007even 16x is higher than you probably need.  4 or 8 should be enough.23:13
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