IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Sunday, 2020-05-17

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tuponeFlash: one of the two [[ or ]] is removed by m407:33
tuponeGCCVER=`$CC -dumpversion | sed -e 's|\.\([0-9][0-9]\)|\1|g' -e 's|\.\([0-9]\)|0\1|g' -e 's|^[0-9]\{3,4\}$|&00|'07:38
tuponebut if gcc --dumpversion can return "8" only I should fix it07:38
BZNotifybzflag: atupone synchronized pull request #253 "Better gcc compiler version check. Previous check failed for gcc-10" (
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blast007allejo: I had forgotten to respond to your question from last week about the client parsing the world cache.   This gets fed the binary representation of the world:
blast007There are some includes in include/Protocol.h for the different header codes for objects:
blast007Also note that the world binary is also compressed using zlib.  I'm not sure what equivilent there would be in PHP, but I do see gzuncompress, gzinflate, and zlib_decode.13:50
blast007Though, I'm not sure if the replay file compresses it.14:03
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tuponeblast007: could you verify if my pull request works there. I'm using ax_compare15:38
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allejothanks blast! i had found that shortly after I asked but good to know that i wasn't far off with my understanding of things :D20:56
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