IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Monday, 2020-05-04

*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535> has joined #bzflag00:11
*** SofiFlor <SofiFlor!c8c3a2f2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/> has joined #bzflag01:13
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*** infobot <infobot!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)07:21
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*** Flash <Flash!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:21b5:c5c4:9deb:18c2> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)08:24
*** FieldSobers <FieldSobers!~FieldSobe@unaffiliated/user49> has joined #bzflag08:56
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*** Foo_man_choo <Foo_man_choo!~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart> has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)11:27
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*** Flash <Flash!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:e17d:2067:8bf4:41fd> has joined #bzflag15:33
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*** Sgeo_ <Sgeo_!> has joined #bzflag17:55
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*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart> has joined #bzflag20:16
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*** Flash <Flash!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:e17d:2067:8bf4:41fd> has joined #bzflag22:08
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag22:10
allejodid custom world boundaries make it into 2.4.20? i remember there were some last minute issues found with it22:30
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ZehraIt probably will be in the next breaking release, from what I recall. One issue which was noted was the "antidote" flag being spawned outside of the world at times, since it's currently client-side.22:43
the_mapallejo: the good news was that those changes were awesome - out of this world. the bad news was also that parts of it were out of the world22:47
blast007Zehra: features don't just magically happen, so how do you know?  :)22:47
the_mapso unfortunately, that feature was outside the bounds of this release22:48
blast007really, the antidote flag was a super minor issue22:48
blast007the server could just disable the antidote flag when using custom world boundaries22:48
blast007mainly I just didn't want to delay the release any longer.22:49
ZehraWell, it's a bit of a guess on my part, mostly based on some rough calculations. (Some times I'm right and some times I'm wrong.)22:50
allejoi'm either right or wrong only 50% of the time22:51
allejothe other 50% I abstain22:51
blast007that reminded me of some show where one of the characters didn't understand how percentages went, so he offered to split the money 50/50 with 3 different people22:52
ZehraIt's kind of funny when seeing things like that, since it goes against logic or creates logically impossibilities.22:53
allejonow that's a skill I wish to have22:54
ZehraCome to think of it, now I'm reminded for some reason a bit of an interesting note, mostly regarding the way math works and why it fails to an extent, but pure speculation though.22:57
ZehraSince decimal based math is not 100% precise, which can be proven with simple logic and math.22:58
allejodecimal math is 100% precise, just take a piece of paper23:03
allejofloats on the other hand23:04
blast007mmmm, root beer floats....23:04
ZehraEverything based on the first odd prime in terms of division leads to either floats or off by one calculations.23:08
the_mapno need to be irrational here23:34

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