IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Thursday, 2020-04-30

*** Flash <Flash!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:619d:f5b5:d59b:fd4> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)00:13
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*** Flash <Flash!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:619d:f5b5:d59b:fd4> has joined #bzflag01:30
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spldartQuick question. Tried to play bz client on my souped up Acer 'nuc' style rig and found that graphics performed great I had no audio. The rig otherwise performs flawlessly. Any ideas?01:38
blast007does sound work in other stuff?01:40
spldartEvery other stuff01:42
spldartdebian buster lxde01:42
spldartvlc, movie player, youtube, everything else.01:42
spldartdport to hdmi to old flat panel.01:42
spldartBTW blast... This hopped up Acer just blew the doors off my antique quadcore desktop... definitely time for a new desktop. Though I'm proud of this silly acer project.01:44
blast007when you start the game, what does the 'audio device' say in the chat console?  pulseaudio?02:01
blast007and is this using the bzflag binary that is packaged with Debian, or are you using flatpak?02:01
blast007(or I suppose you might be running a version you compiled - if so, does it say -SDL, or -SDL2 in the version string?)02:08
spldartdefinitely not package....02:09
spldartget in build dir and ./src/bzf/ag/bzf/ag02:09
spldartI'll hafta check next time i'm on the nuc/newserver what the 'audio device' is ;)02:09
spldartgah.. sry bout typos.. ./src/bzflag/bzflag02:10
spldartOoooOOOooo... 2 things to check :)02:10
spldart* turned around and testing now*02:11
* Flash turns spldart around02:11
Flashturn, turn, turn02:12
spldartGod! I got IT itis... different keyboards~!02:13
spldartAudio Driver: pulse02:14
blast007install libsdl2-dev, re-run the configure script and run make again02:16
blast007(you don't need to make clean)02:16
blast007you can also verify if it's using SDL2 by looking at the end of the configure output02:16
blast007it should say "with SDL2"02:16
spldartRoger wilco02:17
spldartoooOOOooo odd stuff during make. brb02:20
spldartWell POOP! I forgot to exit su after apt getting that lib and built as su.. gimme a minut to clean this spilled milk up.02:24
spldartok.. did my recursive chowning but had to start from scratch... $nice make -j5 to the rescue02:28
spldartCRAP! Old code. got that RecordReplay thing again... But this is just a test for sound... I fix later.02:30
spldartok... Uhm... SDL2 and pulseaudio but still no audio02:34
spldartyoutube fine02:34
spldartI just pilled latest code on this rig... building again.02:34
spldartAnd client was nice enough to remind me of the new release ;)02:35
spldartyep. dead silent.. Lemme pull the specs for this out non standard rig.02:38
blast007and you don't just have the volume turned down in the game, right?02:38
spldartI did turn it down one notch from maxed and fumbled through then turned it back up one notch and funbled through. No sound... I'm trying something else now02:41
spldart4.19.0-8amd64  debian buster veriton n4630g  i5-4590t i915 driver on what reports as intel xeon e3-1200 v3/4th gen core procec integr graph mesa dri intel haswell mesa 18.3.6 audio same core snd_hda_intel alsa blah blah blah02:46
spldartDefinite no joy02:46
blast007dunno what to suggest02:46
spldartoki doki02:46
spldartI'll poke it with a stick some more tomorrow ;)02:46
blast007maybe install pauvuctl and run that and then run BZFlag windowed and see if you see anything happen with the sound levels02:48
spldartooOOoo.. Pee break then try that ;)02:48
blast007okay, I spelled that all wrong.  it's pavucontrol02:49
blast007it'll show bzflag on the "Playback" tab of that, including what audio output it's sending to02:50
spldartsounds like a solid troubleshoot02:50
spldartSwitch not to capture my mouse?02:54
blast007Options > Input Settings > Confine mouse02:55
spldartgah.. started typing 'thanks' and was on wrong keyboard agian... THANKS! working something for a bit.02:57
spldartGot to rigs, one works one doesn/'t.. looking for diffs02:57
spldartOk. Wow! I'm stumped.03:02
spldartGah! Looks like comcast xfinity blocked my bzflag serving again. I'll hafta call them and find out why.03:26
*** short_circuit <short_circuit!~spldart@2601:2c5:c680:87a0:3210:b3ff:fef0:93af> has joined #bzflag03:35
spldartThanks all. Night ;)03:36
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Gone for now.)03:41
*** DTRemenak <DTRemenak!~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak> has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [SeaMonkey 2.53/20180924130006])04:53
BZNotifybzflag: allejo commented on pull request #249 "Fix autogen having CRLF line endings" by The-Noah ( I appreciate the PR for this, but if we're going to introduce a `.g...05:34
BZNotifybzflag: allejo closed pull request #249 by The-Noah 05:34
BZNotifybzflag: allejo demilestoned issue #185 "Autopilot status missing from new joins" by blast007 (2.4.22 -
BZNotifybzflag: allejo milestoned issue #185 by blast007 (2.4.22 - )05:40
BZNotifybzflag: allejo demilestoned issue #186 "Solo bots missing or inconsistent on rejoins" by Zehra (2.4.22 -
BZNotifybzflag: allejo milestoned issue #186 by Zehra (2.4.22 - )05:40
BZNotifybzflag: allejo demilestoned issue #218 "Start text and cracks is rendered below radar" by The-Noah (2.4.22 -
BZNotifybzflag: allejo milestoned issue #218 by The-Noah (2.4.22 - )05:40
BZNotifybzflag: allejo demilestoned issue #241 "Fullscreen toggling on macOS broken" by macsforme (2.4.22 -
BZNotifybzflag: allejo milestoned issue #241 by macsforme (2.4.22 - )05:40
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macsformeif you set a resolution in display settings, that is supposed to persist across a client restart, right?09:30
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allejoI would think as long as you save your settings either explicitly or automatically on quit15:14
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag17:44
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BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: macsforme pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: macsforme c13630: Updated copyright year to 2020. (
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