IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Sunday, 2020-03-22

*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@2601:58b:c600:3349:dd34:bb58:b7e2:f37d> has joined #bzflag01:12
*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)03:17
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Gone for now.)03:37
*** Sgeo__ <Sgeo__!> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)05:02
*** Sgeo <Sgeo!> has joined #bzflag05:05
*** BZNotify <BZNotify!BZNotify@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe1f:d52a> has joined #bzflag13:17
*** blast007 <blast007!~blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast> has joined #bzflag13:17
*** FusionDude <FusionDude!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:50bd:74ed:91db:6b12> has joined #bzflag14:29
*** ChanServ sets mode: +v FusionDude14:29
*** Flash <Flash!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:e590:a190:298f:d9b5> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)14:29
*** FusionDude is now known as Flash14:33
*** Flash <Flash!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:50bd:74ed:91db:6b12> has quit IRC ()14:37
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag16:45
*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)18:09
*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart> has joined #bzflag18:29
*** ChanServ sets mode: +v spldart18:29
*** nightcity8 <nightcity8!uid423332@gateway/web/> has joined #bzflag19:07
*** nightcity8 is now known as nightcity0819:10
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*** nightcity01 <nightcity01!uid423332@gateway/web/> has joined #bzflag19:13
nightcity01Anyone seen tim riker lately?19:14
blast007he joins for a few minutes every couple months, but isn't active here.  is there something we could help you with?19:17
nightcity01just old friend wanting to reconnect other avenues of chat seem to be dead too19:18
blast007last time he talked here was Aug 201919:21
nightcity01Ok thanks.  Will wait on the email route see if i get a response.19:21
blast007that's how I get ahold of him19:22
*** spldart is now known as short_circuit19:37
*** ChanServ sets mode: -v short_circuit19:37
blast007hmm, I'll have to disable the antidote flag when using non-standard border walls since the antidote flag position is still calculated on the client in 2.420:20
*** RickDanger[m] <RickDanger[m]!generalpur@gateway/shell/> has joined #bzflag20:43
blast007arg... I forgot about the water level thing too... that makes a square shaped surface the size of 'world size'..21:08
blast007(generated client-side)21:08
*** RickDanger[m] <RickDanger[m]!generalpur@gateway/shell/> has left #bzflag ("User left")21:31
*** nightcity01 <nightcity01!uid423332@gateway/web/> has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)21:36
blast007man, we have a lot of stuff that uses the world size :)22:38
blast007SegmentedShotStrategy clamps the starting point (or ending point?) of segments to the world size22:43
*** nightcity01 <nightcity01!uid423332@gateway/web/> has joined #bzflag22:51
*** nitroxis <nitroxis!> has quit IRC (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)22:58
*** nitroxis <nitroxis!> has joined #bzflag22:59
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Gone for now.)23:07

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