IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2020-03-04

*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart> has joined #bzflag00:14
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ZehraFor those in the 1vs1 league, the official servers should use the same designation system of the lu, in which [name].[league].org is used.01:28
allejoI think I'm the only one who uses that format...01:28
ZehraCould this be applied to the 1vs1 servers run? And maybe to be suggested as a guideline/requirement?01:30
allejoI don't think the 1v1 league is active enough to bother01:33
ZehraIt's mostly so a change can be made to default server search filters and improve the accuracy of them.01:34
ZehraAlthough I do understand the inactivity not warranting such a change to be made.01:35
allejo literally all of the active servers have "1vs1" in the name01:35
ZehraWell, it looks the change won't be needed.01:38
allejojudging by, looks like the active players in the league have no troubles searching for said servers :)01:39
allejoif anything, the league would need a revival and more activity01:40
kierrawas speaking with strayer a while back about a tourney on 1v1....been a while since last one01:50
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*** _I_Died_Once <_I_Died_Once!~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)03:49
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Gone for now.)04:19
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macsformetupone: in your VBO manager branch, the VBO is bound prior to drawing by vbo[type].enableArrays()?06:44
macsformehow do you pick which VBO to bind? is there literally only one VBO per data format?06:45
tuponethe vbo is bound only after enableArrays07:10
tuponeand there is only one vbo per data format.07:11
tuponeI'm experimenting an encapsulation of the vbo index, so that the enableArrays, vertexData ... are methods of the vbo index07:13
macsformewhen a VBO needs to grow, do you completely reallocate it and upload all the data again?07:26
tuponenot yet. I allocate it at the beginning for a certain size. If not enough, abort :( Need to read size from bzdb maybe. I was thinking about reallocating08:14
tuponeyou can see the size on VBO_Vertex.cxx last lines. Those value are from playing on various world08:18
macsformeand you did all this to avoid VBO switching?09:33
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*** spldart <spldart!~spldart@bzflag/contributor/spldart> has joined #bzflag17:14
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macsformetupone: in my view, it's not a robust design to preallocate (or really, over-allocate to be safe) GPU memory based on some constant in the code, then just abort if we go over20:47
macsformethe constant for the buffer size is a maintenance burden (Flash pointed out a few examples of similar problems recently, I think) because it has to be adjusted if we add other things to draw, and it's a waste of GPU memory to over-allocate memory to avoid risking a client abort... GPU memory should be allocated as it is needed in most cases20:50
macsformethis is all in addition to the fact that the whole design is very complex, based on a theoretical optimization that we don't even know if we need yet20:52
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macsformeI believe we need to get away from writing code like this, where it is complex and difficult to maintain... this is not a resource-intensive game, so we can afford to write clear, straightforward code (which we should always start with anyway), with reasonably good efficiency, and then optimize further as needed20:55
macsformeto speak directly, I believe we need to reject that patch and start over... I would start by writing a header with an interface that meets the basic requirements, then the implementation can come after we mostly finalize that20:59
spldarto_O *intrigued at the prospect of upcoming further discussion*21:02
macsformeI can help with this too... I am just working on other things first, like moving the bundle/resource handling under the platform module so we can use SDL 2 for it, fixing some window issues on macOS, and whatever else we need to get the next 2.4 release out21:02
tuponeok. If you don't like I will stop doing it. No problem21:06
BZNotifybzflag: atupone closed pull request #232 "Vertex buffers object handling" (
spldartoh boy21:07
macsformeI will add to my to-do list to write an interface that meets the requirements as I see them, then we can compare ideas on that, then we can probably use large portions of your patch in the implementation itself21:12
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag21:47
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