IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Friday, 2019-08-16

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Flashblast007: nothing in markdown inherently supports images, any more than HTML does. The point of markdown is to have a human-readable plain text format that can also be rendered nicer02:37
Flashyes, as I said, not any more than HTML does02:41
blast007whatever.  I don't understand your point.02:41
Flashto me, that would never the a primary motivation for markdown02:41
blast007it certainly is a big use for it on Github02:42
Flashblast007: I don't think moving to markdown really adds much for our readme file02:42
Flashblast007: we're not gonna have any images, for instance02:42
blast007have you not seen tons of repos with badges?02:42
blast007"for instance"02:42
FlashGithub is a good example of why our READMEs *should* be in markdown02:43
blast007not really02:43
Flashwe can agree to disagree then.02:43
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FlashI didn't understand your statement as you made it. Now I do. Thanks for the clarification02:44
blast007mainly, the original PR that moved it to markdown was basically just doing it to do it02:45
blast007it didn't really *add* anything02:45
Flashpersonally, I don't see any harm in adding the MD formatting to our files02:45
FlashI'm not sure why the PR was discouraged02:45
blast007because it would affect a bunch of other systems that parse or copy the files02:47
blast007and for what - some bold text?02:48
blast007it looks worse when just reading the files in a text editor02:48
blast007trying to figure out what dependencies to install on linux to build the code, and now it's wrapped in a ```sh ... ```02:49
Flashthat's bad02:50
blast007welcome to markdown :)02:50
Flashoh, you mean the MD wrapping02:50
blast007it's a syntax for generating HTML, not really for viewing it as the markdown syntax itself02:50
Flashpersonal preference, I guess. That's explicit code to me02:50
Flashthere's also the 4-space literal indent that is perfectly human readable02:51
blast007just makes things less clear for people who are not aware of the markdown syntax02:51
Flashthe only value in ```sh ... ``` is syntax highlighting.02:52
blast007with markdown, we tell them to execute:  `make install`02:52
blast007but they'd have to know to not include the `02:52
Flashon the other hand, a markdown renderer makes it perfectly clear where the verbiage and the command are02:53
blast007so we can't use images, we can't use syntax highlighting - so what, we're left with bold text and headers?  and links?02:53
Flash"we can't"?02:53
blast007"the only value in.." makes it sound like you don't think it should be used02:53
FlashI'm saying there is an alternate syntax that is perfectly human readable. The ``` syntax adds syntax highlighting, if the renderer supports it, but less so as a human renderer02:54
allejoI'm personally for markdown. markdown has become standardized and common enough that people should know what it is. and if they don't know what it is, they read it easily on github and get benefits like syntax highlighting and linkable headings02:55
FlashI use it in all my work READMEs, and I don't even have a renderer02:56
blast007if we did, I'd not want it to affect nearly as many files as what that PR did02:56
blast007the readme? maybe.  the rest, meh02:56
FlashChangeLog is one I wouldn't change, but the other 16 are READMEs03:00
Flashmaybe a case could be made for NEWS03:01
allejoI'd be ok with the changelog being markdown. plain text wise, it wouldn't be much difference. however on github, we'd get links to each release03:06
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macsformeI think markdown makes more sense if we rewrite our README with that format in mind, and distill the information down to be more concise05:05
macsformeI wouldn't just convert what we have straight over to markdown05:06
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blast007macsforme: yeah, I'd agree with that.  for me, the PR didn't really do enough to justify the changeover.10:57
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