IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Saturday, 2019-06-15

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macsformeany ideas about the Windows brightness issue?00:38
macsformeI think someone suggested already that maybe the brightness is just being set too early?00:39
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*** sets mode: +vovv Flash macsforme allejo L4m3r06:38
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*** sets mode: +vvoo BulletCatcher joevano brlcad Chestal06:38
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blast007macsforme: fwiw, the brightness works fine on my Windows 10 1803 laptop w/ a 4th generation intel core using the intel 4600 GPU.  I'm updating to the May 2019 release now to see if that changes anything.11:48
The_NoahWhat brightness issue?13:41
blast007someone's Windows 10 system with a newer Intel graphics chipset than I have has issues getting the brightness setting to work.  there's a thread on the forum.13:57
blast007macsforme: even with the may update, it still works fine on my system13:58
* tupone likes someone test my shader for radar. Same quality, should be faster, but I have only intel HDA14:06
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moriahAlezakos ping19:44
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