IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Thursday, 2019-05-23

ZehraOne thing I have seen suggested over the years, but am uncertain if there is any planned changes within the future, is a 'league client' supported by the project.00:24
ZehraFrom one of the recent threads within the forums, this appears to be suggested to some degree or rather implied.00:25
ZehraWould there be any official statements made on the subject?00:25
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KanoneIf any messages were sent, I missed them.00:33
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allejoofficial statement on an official client: no.00:46
allejojust use a stock client without cheats00:46
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kskZehra: Iam totally not into bzflag (stumbled acrross this channel per accident) - but why would you need a) a client b) a leaque client?02:29
kskif you look at computergames being played competitive, there is no such thing.02:29
Zehraksk: Currently there has been a few who have suggested for such a thing be made. (Either one specifically for the leagues or one with integrated "features" for the league.)02:31
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ZehraPreviously I was aware that *only* authentication and list services were going to be provided for the league and that is reasonable, while a "league client" would not be.02:33
ZehraThere seems to recently be some suggestions within the forums which imply or rather suggest that something similar to this may be implemented, by one a developer, so I am asking for clarification on the subject.02:34
Zehraby a developer*02:34
ZehraI'd be concerned of such "league" integrations and by no means support or endorse any such ideas or notions.02:36
blast007are you talking about something from like 5+ years ago?02:38
ZehraNope, actually quite recently.02:39
allejoblast, he's talking about consti's mockups02:40
Zehra"integrated right into the client"...02:42
ZehraWas wondering if the official stance had changed and if so, why.02:43
blast007where do you see that he's talking about a league-specific client?02:43
ZehraThe concept is similar, not the same, but similar. (Basically a "league" client added as the "official" one.)02:44
ZehraWhich would go against what has previously been said on what the project would and would not support.02:46
allejocan't help but feel my statement still stands about using a stock client...02:46
Zehra(At least to my understanding of it.)02:46
blast007Zehra: are you talking about your concept, or something else?02:47
Zehrablast007: I'm mentioning macsforme's concept specifically.02:48
blast007where do you see that he's talking about a league-specific client?02:48
ZehraForgive my incorrect terming, it was not "specific", but the concept mentioned by macsforme would implement the concept of a "league-specific" client within the official client.02:50
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blast007your incorrect terminology completely changed the meaning02:52
blast007a league-specific client would be a client that is just for playing in the league02:52
blast007much different than adding league-specific matchmaking options to the normal client02:52
ZehraSo, my question is if the project is considering or supporting such an idea.02:54
ZehraIf it is a side project, I would not mind, but if it is within the normal client, it seems to go against what was previously said on what the project would and would not support in terms of "league support".02:55
blast007it's a concept at this point02:56
blast007I don't personally like the idea of hooking into a third-party league02:56
ZehraConcepts can become plans, so thought it may have started to become one, especially considering some of the more recent changes and decisions.02:59
allejowe've made recent changes and decisions?03:01
Zehraallejo: "ShowMotto" permission is perhaps one of the best examples.03:03
allejohow so?03:05
ZehraThe "practical" use of "showMotto" is very limited to any extent and generally would only apply or even be remotely useful on league servers, of which it was applied to.03:07
ZehraIt came as a surprise to a server owner when permissions had to be adjusted to display mottos and the same could have been done in a plug-in.03:08
allejoyou do realize that when the showMotto perm was added, it became a default permission. right?03:10
allejoi.e. server owners had to do absolutely nothing to let players show their mottos03:11
allejoand no. the showMotto ability could not be done by a plugin because the server is the ultimate authority. so a plugin could not bypass the server's behavior of handling mottos03:13
blast007that'd be the case unless someone -ALL'ed everyone in their group file and added specific permissions03:13
allejo^ true03:13
blast007a plugin runs on the server though.. so of course a plugin could do it, as long as the API exposed a way03:14
allejonah, a plugin could set the motto explicitly but bzfs would disallow displaying it because it was tied to the talk perm03:15
ZehraI don't seem to recall there ever being a "need" to remove peoples mottos before.03:15
blast007that's a limitation of how bzfs is coded, not an inherent limitation to plugins03:16
allejoright, hence why bzfs was changed to have a separate perm for mottos03:17
ZehraAnd what was the reason for adding separate permissions, what's the use in having separate motto and chat permissions?03:18
Zehra(Very little practical use, at least in my opinion.)03:19
blast007so someone can have a motto without being able to talk, I guess03:19
allejobecause a motto is not directly related to chat?03:20
ZehraIt makes sense, but it never has been a problem before, no forum issues, maybe only from ones over a decade old mention such a concept.03:21
blast007except it was..03:22
allejoi didn't realize each commit we make should have a forum post tied to it03:22
blast007we'll make sure to run all our ideas past you to get approval03:23
* Zehra grabs two big rubber stamps, one for approved and the other for unapproved.03:24
blast007the second stamp would generally be "rejected"03:24
ZehraI guess I better start working on my projects once again.03:28
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BZNotifybzflag: allejo commented on issue #198 "Steamroller killed by OO" by Zehra ( I don't log flag grabs or player deaths, that'd be too much informa...05:35
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BZNotifybzflag: atupone synchronized pull request #194 "Use glm instead of our implementation (vectors.h)" (
BZNotifybzflag: atupone synchronized pull request #148 "Use of Vertex Buffer Objects instead of Client Arrays" (
BZNotifybzflag: atupone synchronized pull request #148 "Use of Vertex Buffer Objects instead of Client Arrays" (
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