IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Wednesday, 2019-05-08

*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Gone for now.)00:11
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The_NoahWhen I compile bzfs (2.4 on Windows) I get "net.lib(network.obj) : error LNK2005: _inet_aton already defined in libpqd.lib(libpqd.dll)" and am unsure as to why it is happening. (
blast007is that a clone of the official repo or your fork?01:59
The_NoahMy fork.02:00
The_NoahWhich I probably haven't updated in a while.02:00
blast007try from the official to just verify02:00
The_NoahWhile I wait for it to compile, will the VS solution files be updated to VS2019?02:05
blast007no, it's using 201702:05
The_NoahI know, I was wondering if they would be updated to the 2019 version (a little bit ago I tried compiling with 2019 using the 2017 solution files and it didn't work, so I'm sticking with 2017)02:07
The_NoahWith a fresh pull from the official repository I still get the same error.02:08
blast007on 2017?02:08
blast007I'll turn on my Windows computer and try it there quick02:09
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: blast007 pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: blast007 3274f3: Fix loss of precision warning on Visual C++. (
blast007The_Noah: I didn't see that errors here02:30
blast007just had a loss of precision warning02:30
blast007I'm using Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.6, with the Windows 10 SDK 10.0.1629.002:32
The_NoahI have VS 2017 15.9.11 Windows SDK 10.0.16299.0, doubt there is major difference.02:33
blast007libpqd.lib is Postgresql?02:36
The_NoahI don't know.02:36
blast007no idea why Postgresql is being linked02:39
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macsformetupone: do you expect a benefit from the SIMD instruction in our CPU-side graphics code? I could understand a benefit in our physics code, but vector math in our graphics code seems (or should be) almost entirely GPU-side12:50
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tuponemacsforme: not a real gain for the CPU-side. But it can substitute all our implementation of vectors and vector_old. It can prepare the ortho transformation and the model view matrix for opengl 2 and more. It can do some work of the glu code like computing position of tank on the screen to put some text on it ....17:29
tuponeand can also be used for physics. vectors_old.h seems to be used for physics. So some work is already in place17:52
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BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: atupone pushed 1 commit (
BZNotify2.4 @ bzflag: atupone 1b78a5: Remove superflous glClearDepth calls (
BZNotifybzflag: atupone synchronized pull request #194 "Use glm instead of our implementation (vectors.h)" (
BZNotifybzflag: atupone synchronized pull request #148 "Use of Vertex Buffer Objects instead of Client Arrays" (
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