IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Sunday, 2019-04-07

spldartFor some reason git thinks I have chanes in my master branch checkout and says I have to commit or stash them before I merge........ I didn't change nuttin. How can I clean up my checkout?00:14
spldartugh! and my server has been down for who knows how long :(00:18
spldartNEVERMIND! I found the problem :/00:21
spldartUSR error00:22
spldarthuge storms tomorrow and I'm updating my server. Go figure.00:24
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag00:43
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*** I_Died_Once <I_Died_Once!~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535> has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)03:24
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*** Kanone <Kanone!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag03:37
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*** Kanone is now known as Zehra03:42
*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Signing off for now. (Leave me a memo if needed.))04:29
*** BulletCatcher <BulletCatcher!~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher> has left #bzflag ("tank sank")05:42
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blast007I'm doing some re-arranging of the options menu and I'm considering getting rid of the audio menu and just having a single Volume slide on the main options screen.11:56
blast007Are the Driver and Device options useful?11:57
blast007And is there much of a point to the Remote Audio option?  it turns off the land/burrow/jump/flap/bounce sounds for other tanks (and would also turn off custom sound effects if those worked)11:58
blast007I have remote sounds moved to the main options menu as well.  (Seemed silly to have a whole menu for just two options)12:22
*** cods <cods!> has quit IRC (Changing host)14:05
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*** fanta7531 <fanta7531!> has joined #bzflag15:12
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag21:21
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*** Peridot1 <Peridot1!~Peridot@> has joined #bzflag22:49
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*** Sgeo <Sgeo!> has joined #bzflag23:30
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blast007A Raspberry Pi 2 with the full OpenGL driver and running at 1080p is fast enough to get the "full quality" performance mode.  So I'm pondering either reducing the MaxFrameTime (since it currently targets 20 FPS with a very basic scene) or just removing the performance check and always using the 'modern' settings.23:38
ZehraNice. How is BZFlag's performance on the Raspberry Pi 2?23:52
blast007not so great23:54
blast007at least, not at 1080p23:54
blast007I was getting somewhere around 25 FPS on mofo when it was at a stable FPS, but there were times were it just froze up for a second or two23:54
blast007wasn't much better on a Pi 323:55
blast007at lower FPS, it's not so bad23:55
blast007sorry, lower resolution23:55
blast007I've played on the official Pi touch display, which is 800x48023:56
blast007I believe I got around 80 FPS with that on a Pi 323:56
ZehraThat's really good.23:58

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