IRC logs of Freenode #BZFlag for Tuesday, 2019-03-19

*** blast007[m] <blast007[m]!blast007ma@gateway/shell/> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)00:28
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Flashyet another makefile generator system03:00
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*** Flash <Flash!~flash@2601:280:c200:4e39:e8ed:8c6a:b40a:7c34> has joined #bzflag03:07
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has quit IRC (Quit: Signing off for now. (Leave me a memo if needed.))03:14
Flashis the plan to use premake to generate XCode and VS Project files and commit them? If not, why are we going down this path?03:27
FlashI remember when someone asked about CMake and was shot down... but it's at least as viable as premake and Visual Studio understands it natively03:27
macsformeXcode will be the only build system that requires premake... the other systems are staying intact03:30
FlashI could certainly see the value of a single, unifying build system03:31
FlashI actually don't remember if VS needs to have CMake installed or if it is smart enough to install as needed... I try very hard not to do Windows03:32
macsformethere was opposition when premake was proposed as a replacement for all our build systems... maybe someday, who knows03:33
Flashso why did you choose premake?03:33
macsformepremake and Cmake seemed roughly equivalent as far as features... while Cmake seemed more mature and widely available, but the syntax is proprietary and seems to be widely disliked03:35
Flashon the plus side, CMake will generate RPMs with very little knowledge of RPM spec files (although knowledge helps)03:36
macsformepremake is just lua, so you get all of lua's standard scripting features, which seemed more flexible/powerful03:36
FlashI have seen that touted as an example03:36
macsformepremake is used by several big players (Blizzard, and the Bullet physics engine team, for two examples), so it isn't niche by any means03:40
macsformeI don't believe premake-generated project files will ever be committed to the repository... if anything, they would only be included in release packages, but I'm not sold on that yet either03:53
*** Swant <Swant!swant@freenode/staff/ikea> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 608 seconds)07:00
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*** Peridot1 <Peridot1!~Peridot@> has joined #bzflag08:52
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*** dcat <dcat!> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)10:58
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*** Dracos85_ <Dracos85_!> has joined #bzflag12:44
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*** Sgeo__ <Sgeo__!> has joined #bzflag14:24
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*** Zehra <Zehra!~Zehra@unaffiliated/zehra> has joined #bzflag21:26
ZehraAnyone recommend any good ini-parsers, C or C++?21:33
blast007is this for a plugin?21:34
blast007we have one built-in21:35
blast007part of plugin_utils21:35
blast007I use that in my plugin here:
ZehraMuch appreciated. I won't have to add a dependency to the plug-in then.21:38
Delusionalcould a custom flag use a number for it’s abbreviation?21:48
Delusionaltwo digits, actually21:49
*** the_map <the_map!the_map@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/themap/x-38220869> has quit IRC (Quit: if you see this, I'm probably restarting my computer to fix it)22:08
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